MQN Collaboration is a virtual, worldwide organization of scientists and explorers who have contributed to the last 23 years of progress

MQN Collaboration is a virtual, worldwide organization of scientists and explorers who have contributed to the last 23 years of progress

J. Pace VanDevender
Plasma Physics, Principal Investigator, President of VanDevender Enterprises, USA

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Aaron P. VanDevender
Quantum Physics, CEO of Methid, CSO of VanDevender Enterprises, Red Team Leader protecting the research from confirmation bias and other forms of delusion, USA

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Terry Sloan
High Energy Particle Physics, Experiments, Lancaster University, UK

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Tracianne B. Neilsen
Associate Professor, Department of Physics and Astronomy,
Brigham Young University, USA

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J. Pace VanDevender
Plasma Physics, Principal Investigator, President of VanDevender Enterprises, USA

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Aaron P. VanDevender
Quantum Physics, CEO of Methid, CSO of VanDevender Enterprises, Red Team Leader protecting the research from confirmation bias and other forms of delusion, USA

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Terry Sloan
High Energy Particle Physics, Experiments, Lancaster University, UK

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Tracianne B. Neilsen
Associate Professor, Department of Physics and Astronomy,
Brigham Young University, USA

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Ian M. Shoemaker
High Energy Particle Physics, Theory, Virginia Tech, USA

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Robert. G. Schmitt
(1965 - 2020)
Hydrodynamic Simulations, Sandia National Laboratories, USA

*By policy, work performed by Sandia National Laboratories for the private sector does not constitute endorsement of any commercial product.

J. Pace VanDevender
Plasma Physics, Principal Investigator, President of VanDevender Enterprises, USA

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Aaron P. VanDevender
Quantum Physics, CEO of Methid, CSO of VanDevender Enterprises, Red Team Leader protecting the research from confirmation bias and other forms of delusion, USA

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J. Pace VanDevender
Plasma Physics, Principal Investigator, President of VanDevender Enterprises, USA

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Aaron P. VanDevender
Quantum Physics, CEO of Methid, CSO of VanDevender Enterprises, Red Team Leader protecting the research from confirmation bias and other forms of delusion, USA

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Terry Sloan
High Energy Particle Physics, Experiments, Lancaster University, UK

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Tracianne B. Neilsen
Associate Professor, Department of Physics and Astronomy,
Brigham Young University, USA

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Terry Sloan
High Energy Particle Physics, Experiments, Lancaster University, UK

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Tracianne B. Neilsen
Associate Professor, Department of Physics and Astronomy
Brigham Young University, USA

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Ian M. Shoemaker
High Energy Particle Physics, Theory, Virginia Tech, USA

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Ian M. Shoemaker
High Energy Particle Physics, Theory, Virginia Tech, USA

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Robert. G. Schmitt
(1965 - 2020)
Hydrodynamic Simulations, Sandia National Laboratories, USA

*By policy, work performed by Sandia National Laboratories personnel for the private sector does not constitute endorsement of any commercial product.

C. Jerald Buchenauer
Physics and Electrical Engineering, Remote Sensing, RF Antennas, and Digital Signal Processing, University of New Mexico, USA

Chunpei Cai
Mechanical Engineering, Monte Carlo Simulations, Michigan Technological University, USA

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C. Jerald Buchenauer
Physics and Electrical Engineering, Remote Sensing, RF Antennas, and Digital Signal Processing, University of New Mexico, USA

Chunpei Cai
Mechanical Engineering, Monte Carlo Simulations, Michigan Technological University, USA

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Benjamin A. Ulmen
Plasma Physics, Sandia National Laboratories, USA

*By policy, work performed by Sandia National Laboratories for the private sector does not constitute endorsement of any commercial product.

Ian M. Shoemaker
High Energy Particle Physics, Theory, Virginia Tech, USA

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Robert. G. Schmitt
(1965 - 2020)
Hydrodynamic Simulations, Sandia National Laboratories, USA

Robert. G. Schmitt
(1965 - 2020)
Hydrodynamic Simulations, Sandia National Laboratories, USA

*By policy, work performed by Sandia National Laboratories for the private sector does not constitute endorsement of any commercial product.

C. Jerald Buchenauer
Physics and Electrical Engineering, Remote Sensing, RF Antennas, and Digital Signal Processing, University of New Mexico, USA

C. Jerald Buchenauer
Physics and Electrical Engineering, Remote Sensing, RF Antennas, and Digital Signal Processing, University of New Mexico, USA

Chunpei Cai
Mechanical Engineering, Monte Carlo Simulations, Michigan Technological University, USA

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Chunpei Cai
Mechanical Engineering, Monte Carlo Simulations, Michigan Technological University, USA

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Benjamin A. Ulmen
Plasma Physics, Sandia National Laboratories, USA

*By policy, work performed by Sandia National Laboratories for the private sector does not constitute endorsement of any commercial product.

Benjamin A. Ulmen
Plasma Physics, Sandia National Laboratories, USA

*By policy, work performed by Sandia National Laboratories for the private sector does not constitute endorsement of any commercial product.

Criss Swaim
Computer Systems Engineering, The Pineridge Group, LLC, USA

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DeWitt Miller
ME, Albuquerque, NM

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Niall McGinley
Cultural Liaison and Historian, Ardaturr, Ireland

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Criss Swaim
Computer Systems Engineering, The Pineridge Group, LLC, USA

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DeWitt Miller
ME, Albuquerque, NM

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Niall McGinley
Cultural Liaison and Historian, Ardaturr, Ireland

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Benjamin A. Ulmen
Plasma Physics, Sandia National Laboratories, USA

*By policy, work performed by Sandia National Laboratories personnel for the private sector does not constitute endorsement of any commercial product.

Criss Swaim
Computer Systems Engineering, The Pineridge Group, LLC, USA

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Criss Swaim
Computer Systems Engineering, The Pineridge Group, LLC, USA

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DeWitt Miller
ME, Albuquerque, NM

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DeWitt Miller
ME, Albuquerque, NM

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Niall McGinley
Cultural Liaison and Historian, Ardaturr, Ireland

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Niall McGinley
Cultural Liaison and Historian, Ardaturr, Ireland

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Peter Wilson
Geomorphology, Ulster University, UK

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Peter Wilson
Geomorphology, Ulster University, UK

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David G. Duggan
Ranger, Investigator, and Manager of National Parks and Wildlife, Ireland

Seamus McGinty
Ranger and Investigator, Ireland

Rinat Zakirov
Electrical Engineering, Digital Signal Processing and Software Radio, VanDevender Enterprises, LLC, USA

Robert L. Baskin
Hydrology, Marine Acoustics
Gestalt GeoResearch, USA

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Haydn Jones
Computer Science
Los Alamos National Laboratory, USA

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*By policy, work performed by Los Alamos National Laboratories personnel for the private sector does not constitute endorsement of any commercial product.

Gabriel H. Fronk
Underwater Acoustics Experiment
Brigham Young University, USA

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Josh Blum
Software Radio, Pothos Software, USA

Peter Wilson
Geomorphology, Ulster University, UK

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David G. Duggan
Ranger, Investigator, and Manager of National Parks and Wildlife, Ireland

Seamus McGinty
Ranger and Investigator, Ireland

Rinat Zakirov
Electrical Engineering, Digital Signal Processing and Software Radio, VanDevender Enterprises, LLC, USA

Robert L. Baskin
Hydrology, Marine Acoustics
Gestalt GeoResearch, USA

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Haydn Jones
Computer Science
Los Alamos National Laboratory, USA

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*By policy, work performed by Los Alamos National Laboratories personnel for the private sector does not constitute endorsement of any commercial product.

Gabriel H. Fronk
Underwater Acoustics Experiment
Brigham Young University, USA

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Josh Blum
Software Radio, Pothos Software, USA

James L. Cross Sr.
Marine Engineering, President, Cross Marine Projects, USA

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Peter Wilson
Geomorphology, Ulster University, UK

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David G. Duggan
Ranger, Investigator, and Manager of National Parks and Wildlife, Ireland

David G. Duggan
Ranger, Investigator, and Manager of National Parks and Wildlife, Ireland

Seamus McGinty
Ranger and Investigator, Ireland

Rinat Zakirov
Electrical Engineering, Digital Signal Processing and Software Radio, VanDevender Enterprises, LLC, USA

Robert L. Baskin
Hydrology, Marine Acoustics
Gestalt GeoResearch, USA

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Haydn Jones
Computer Science
Los Alamos National Laboratory, USA

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*By policy, work performed by Los Alamos National Laboratories personnel for the private sector does not constitute endorsement of any commercial product.

Seamus McGinty
Ranger and Investigator, Ireland

Rinat Zakirov
Electrical Engineering, Digital Signal Processing and Software Radio, VanDevender Enterprises, LLC, USA

Robert L. Baskin
Hydrology, Marine Acoustics
Gestalt GeoResearch, USA

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Haydn Jones
Computer Science
Los Alamos National Laboratory, USA

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*By policy, work performed by Los Alamos National Laboratories personnel for the private sector does not constitute endorsement of any commercial product.

Gabriel H. Fronk
Underwater Acoustics Experiment
Brigham Young University, USA

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Josh Blum
Software Radio, Pothos Software, USA

Gabriel H. Fronk
Underwater Acoustics Experiment
Brigham Young University, USA

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Josh Blum
Software Radio, Pothos Software, USA

James L. Cross Sr.
Marine Engineering, President, Cross Marine Projects, USA

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Deborah Dixon
Civil Engineering, Chief Safety Officer for Excavations, President, DKD Engineering Inc., USA

Helen Girard
Research Assistant, VanDevender Enterprises, LLC, USA

Jacquelyn McRae
Research Assistant, VanDevender Enterprises, LLC, USA

Deborah Dixon
Civil Engineering, Chief Safety Officer for Excavations, President, DKD Engineering Inc., USA

Helen Girard
Research Assistant, VanDevender Enterprises, LLC, USA

Jacquelyn McRae
Research Assistant, VanDevender Enterprises, LLC, USA

James L. Cross Sr.
Marine Engineering, President, Cross Marine Projects, USA

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Deborah Dixon
Civil Engineering, Chief Safety Officer for Excavations, President, DKD Engineering Inc., USA

James L. Cross Sr.
Marine Engineering, President, Cross Marine Projects, USA

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Deborah Dixon
Civil Engineering, Chief Safety Officer for Excavations, President, DKD Engineering Inc., USA

Helen Girard
Research Assistant, VanDevender Enterprises, LLC, USA

Jacquelyn McRae
Research Assistant, VanDevender Enterprises, LLC, USA

Helen Girard
Research Assistant, VanDevender Enterprises, LLC, USA

Jacquelyn McRae
Research Assistant, VanDevender Enterprises, LLC, USA

Benjamin F. Hammel
Research Assistant, University of Pennsylvania, USA

Kate VanDevender
Communications, VanDevender Enterprises, LLC, USA

Melissa VanDevender
Public Relations, VanDevender Enterprises, LLC, USA

Jesse Rosen
Publications Editor, Emory University, USA

Benjamin F. Hammel
Research Assistant, University of Pennsylvania, USA

Kate VanDevender
Communications, VanDevender Enterprises, LLC, USA

Benjamin F. Hammel
Research Assistant, University of Pennsylvania, USA

Kate VanDevender
Communications, VanDevender Enterprises, LLC, USA

Melissa VanDevender
Public Relations, VanDevender Enterprises, LLC, USA

Jesse Rosen
Publications Editor, Emory University, USA

Melissa VanDevender
Public Relations, VanDevender Enterprises, LLC, USA

Jesse Rosen
Publications Editor, Emory University, USA

Benjamin F. Hammel
Research Assistant, University of Pennsylvania, USA

Kate VanDevender
Communications, VanDevender Enterprises, LLC, USA

Melissa VanDevender
Public Relations, VanDevender Enterprises, LLC, USA

Jesse Rosen
Publications Editor, Emory University, USA


We gratefully acknowledge S. V. Greene for first suggesting that quark nuggets might explain the geophysical evidence and W. F. Brinkman, Mark Boslough,  and D. J. Fegan for an especially helpful suggestions during this work; Peter van Doorn of the Tornado and Storm Research Organization, UK, for introducing us to the 1868 event; Mr. Josie (The Post) Duddy of County Donegal, Ireland, for showing us the 1985 event, Mr. Charlie Callahan of Glendowan for essential guidance and assistance from the point of view of local residents with rights to use this land. Mr. Cathal Moy and his associates were invaluable; without their knowledge of local soil conditions and exceptional skill with operating their excavators, the project could not have been accomplished. We appreciate Mr. and Mrs. William E. Gallagher of Meenawilligan, Emer Galligan, Kevin Rose, and David Daniels of Booze Allen Hamilton, Arlington, VA, for their assistance in the field work and Archivists Neve Brennan and Ciara Joyce for locating survey documents. We appreciate constructive critique and suggestions from P. Cooper, B. Carr, P. Joshi, P. Steinhardt, S. Carlip, J. Malenfant, V. V. Flambaum, O’Dean P. Judd, M. Vahle, E. McGuire, K. Holley-Bockelmann, and D. Finley but acknowledging them does not connote their knowledge of, much less approval of, the final content in this paper. In addition, the team is grateful to Harbor Master David Shearer of Utah State Parks, Ms. Jamie Phillips-Barnes of Utah State Lands, Mr. David Ghizzone and Mr. Chad Wadell of Gonzo Boat Rentals, Dr. Robert Baskin of the University of Utah, Dr. Cory Angeroth of the US Geological Survey for permitting and technical assistance, and to Dr. Karl VanDevender, Mr. Haydn Jones, Dr. Ed Atler, Mr. Karl Scheuch, Mr. Andrew Bloemendaal, Mr. Jonathon Cross, Mr. Red Atwood, Mr. James Bell, and Mr. Michael Rymer for technical support. Special thanks to Dr. Nancy VanDevender for contributions too numerous to count.


We gratefully acknowledge S. V. Greene for first suggesting that quark nuggets might explain the geophysical evidence and W. F. Brinkman, Mark Boslough,  and D. J. Fegan for an especially helpful suggestions during this work; Peter van Doorn of the Tornado and Storm Research Organization, UK, for introducing us to the 1868 event; Mr. Josie (The Post) Duddy of County Donegal, Ireland, for showing us the 1985 event, Mr. Charlie Callahan of Glendowan for essential guidance and assistance from the point of view of local residents with rights to use this land. Mr. Cathal Moy and his associates were invaluable; without their knowledge of local soil conditions and exceptional skill with operating their excavators, the project could not have been accomplished. We appreciate Mr. and Mrs. William E. Gallagher of Meenawilligan, Emer Galligan, Kevin Rose, and David Daniels of Booze Allen Hamilton, Arlington, VA, for their assistance in the field work and Archivists Neve Brennan and Ciara Joyce for locating survey documents. We appreciate constructive critique and suggestions from P. Cooper, B. Carr, P. Joshi, P. Steinhardt, S. Carlip, J. Malenfant, V. V. Flambaum, O’Dean P. Judd, M. Vahle, E. McGuire, K. Holley-Bockelmann, and D. Finley but acknowledging them does not connote their knowledge of, much less approval of, the final content in this paper. In addition, the team is grateful to Harbor Master David Shearer of Utah State Parks, Ms. Jamie Phillips-Barnes of Utah State Lands, Mr. David Ghizzone and Mr. Chad Wadell of Gonzo Boat Rentals, Dr. Robert Baskin of the University of Utah, Dr. Cory Angeroth of the US Geological Survey for permitting and technical assistance, and to Dr. Karl VanDevender, Mr. Haydn Jones, Dr. Ed Atler, Mr. Karl Scheuch, Mr. Andrew Bloemendaal, Mr. Jonathon Cross, Mr. Red Atwood, Mr. James Bell, and Mr. Michael Rymer for technical support. Special thanks to Dr. Nancy VanDevender for contributions too numerous to count.


We gratefully acknowledge S. V. Greene for first suggesting that quark nuggets might explain the geophysical evidence and W. F. Brinkman, Mark Boslough,  and D. J. Fegan for an especially helpful suggestions during this work; Peter van Doorn of the Tornado and Storm Research Organization, UK, for introducing us to the 1868 event; Mr. Josie (The Post) Duddy of County Donegal, Ireland, for showing us the 1985 event, Mr. Charlie Callahan of Glendowan for essential guidance and assistance from the point of view of local residents with rights to use this land. Mr. Cathal Moy and his associates were invaluable; without their knowledge of local soil conditions and exceptional skill with operating their excavators, the project could not have been accomplished. We appreciate Mr. and Mrs. William E. Gallagher of Meenawilligan, Emer Galligan, Kevin Rose, and David Daniels of Booze Allen Hamilton, Arlington, VA, for their assistance in the field work and Archivists Neve Brennan and Ciara Joyce for locating survey documents. We appreciate constructive critique and suggestions from P. Cooper, B. Carr, P. Joshi, P. Steinhardt, S. Carlip, J. Malenfant, V. V. Flambaum, O’Dean P. Judd, M. Vahle, E. McGuire, K. Holley-Bockelmann, and D. Finley but acknowledging them does not connote their knowledge of, much less approval of, the final content in this paper. In addition, the team is grateful to Harbor Master David Shearer of Utah State Parks, Ms. Jamie Phillips-Barnes of Utah State Lands, Mr. David Ghizzone and Mr. Chad Wadell of Gonzo Boat Rentals, Dr. Robert Baskin of the University of Utah, Dr. Cory Angeroth of the US Geological Survey for permitting and technical assistance, and to Dr. Karl VanDevender, Mr. Haydn Jones, Dr. Ed Atler, Mr. Karl Scheuch, Mr. Andrew Bloemendaal, Mr. Jonathon Cross, Mr. Red Atwood, Mr. James Bell, and Mr. Michael Rymer for technical support. Special thanks to Dr. Nancy VanDevender for contributions too numerous to count.